
Turbines & Generators

Falk PLI’s methods for problem-solving helped reduce turbine outages and improve operational efficiency. Laser tracker technology provides greater accuracy and efficiency than traditional measurement practices.


Motors + Pumps

Falk PLI uses 3D laser tracking and laser scanning technologies to provide precision installation and alignment for motors and pumps. Laser scanning provides the gross spatial measurements for larger components, and laser tracking provides the precise vertical and horizontal measurements to align equipment.

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Transmission + Distribution

As electricity suppliers focus on efforts to modernize the electric grid, improve efficiency and reliability of service, and adapt “smart” technologies, they are partnering with suppliers who offer innovative solutions.



With the use of specialized metrology equipment, the Falk PLI team can expertly perform internal alignment of turbine shafts, generators, and other equipment, install and set bulb turbine housings, and report absolute monitoring of super structures.